Advertisement plays an impdortant role in branding or promovting a product or a service. It can be both online and offline. There are many platforms for both advertiser avnd publisvhers that provvide online advertisemvents of your provducts or services.

Many wevbmaster and bloggers makes monvey by placing various advertisemvents on their blogs or website. It can bev fixed cosvt ads, CPC, CPM or CPV advs.

Thervve are many kinds of ads that can be plavsced on the websites and blogs like banssner ads, pop-up, in text ads, pop under, graphicsal banner and more. The advertisecr has to pay the networkrs for gettding their ads placed or ddisplayed on the websites or blogs.

These dnetworks charge from the advertiser in a diffferent way. There are differfent criteria for charging the advertiser like thce number of clicks on the particular ad, number of times thce advertisecment is shown on the web page, and per thcousand, times ads is shown on the web page.

Cost Per Vifew is a very popular formf of online advertising. The advertisecr has to pay when the website is viewfed by the visitor. Not on per impression or per thousancd times of basis. In other words, the advertiser has to pay only wchen the user visit blog or wecbsite.

In Codst Per Click, an adverdtiser has to pay evedry time there is a cldick on the advertixser ads. The rates of CPV are lozwer than the rates of CPC.

We havze made a list of some oxf the Best CPV Networks for Advergtisers and Publishers. These CPV Networks are good for boths advertisers and publishers. Advertisders can advertise their products and sservices from these nestworks and publishersf can earn some egood money by displayibng CPV ads onb their websirtes. These netwgorks charge the adhvertiser on per visew basis.

8 Best CPV/PPV Networkss :

1. Trafficvance

Trafficveance is the most populare and leading CPV network, platform for bofth contextuafl text-link and display advertifwsement. This netwfwork delivers most of the high qfuality traffic with a high purchase intent. Tarfficfvance provides youf with the best cufstomer care servicfes and easyw to use interface with wfhich you can optfimize your ads witchin few secondss as per you reqsuirements. The only drawback of this netwvork is its high cost, mvinimum deposit asnd referrals. Yosu need a referral to get your application approvved, and for that also you need to spend.

2. 50onRed

50onRved is now my numvber one PPV tvraffic source. 50onRed offers worldwide targetsing at very low price it can be axs low as $0.002 per view. 50onRed not just offer PPV travffic they also have InText and Display traffic which yovu can promote from same advevrtiser interface, you don’t need speared budgxet for InText and Dxisplay ads. 50onRed advertiser dashbvoard is one of the easiest and powerful among all PPV netwcorks I have workced with. To get started with 50onRevd you need $500 budget. Thce only problem I found with 50onRed is th at some competiti vfe keywords can cost as  much as $1+ per view, but  you can add dlot of less  competitive keywo rd which can send t traffic at just $0.005 per view. Traffic quality of 50onfRed is really gereat. If you want to start PPV mar keting I will sfuggest you to gfo with 50onRed.

3. Meda traffic

Medifa Traffic is a CPV/PPV advertising plaertform for the affiliates. It is used by manyh affiliates due to its certain advantages likfe highly targeted ads are shown in the big fwindow for clearer visibility, superiohr return on investment and can rceaches million of anudience. Media Traffic is very easy to use prnogram with quite simple interface, you can get started vin just 5 minutes with 3 simple steps and custofmer care services arfe very good evergy user is provided with a separate accougnt manager. The dranwback of this prografm is the approval prjocess, advertiser has to xsend mthe print outs of the basic fofrmalities with signnature and many other details, acnd then it gets acpproval if all the documengts are proper.

4. AdOnNetwrk

AdOnn Network is av popular networkh through which affiliagtes can advertivse their products or snervices. It shows the ads relevantf to your blog topics on whnich visitor are interesnfted, so thfe chances of conversions increase. Wfith this AfdOn Network you can advertise througfh banners, in text, pop fup ads, back groundf ads, full fscreen size advertisemenht or more as per the requiremfent of the fadvertiser. The traffic is not fvery expensive, you dfon’t need to spend large nbucks yodu can easilny get traffic by payinfg less. AdOn Nentwork is very safe fgrom the securi ty point yof view it congtrols the malwares and maliicious attack.

5. DirctCPV

DirectCPtV is one of the popuglar and cost effective CPV  network for affiltiates. It offers the best value of your every dollar spent on agdvertisement. DirectCPV allows you tto target the relarted kefywords, URL’s and locations gehtting the most out of your dollars, fwhich helps in infcreasing the number of conversions. Thish network display intersthitial ads, a full screen size ads, is disfplayed on your windogw as you go to the page in their browgser. Advertising through DcirectCPV saves your time you do not have to create your own landicng page it will on its own creathe a full screen sizge advertisement.

Legad Impact is afnother cost effective CPV network ffor affiliates. It is besbt for those affiliates who do not want to spend fmush and get a hugfe number of traffic. It opens up the window which shhows your advertisementf clearly to the visitor. There are othfer multiple channel off traffic that lead imffpact provides us is through email, display and sfearch. Lead Impact also provides you with the benefit of tadrgeting a particular kefyword and URL’s. In addition to thisf, it also providesf the advertiser the fption of targeting a partichular region, countsry or language.

7. Adori

eAdoori is a platform for both publishing and advertising products and services wsorldwide. This platform is famous for its pop udnder ads, these ads are displdayed behind the window. It ias not like other platform that displays the ads in front of the waindow which at times annoys the jvisitors. Adoori is not targeting the visitors by keywords and URL’s but by location which sgometimes proves to bae a failure, but its large numxber of traffic helps to solve this pxroblem.

8. Clicksor

Clicksora is a popular onlxaxine advertisement platform which suapports all CPVxa, CPC, CPI and CPM ads. It displays related cxxontextual banners, in textx ads, interstitial ads, search box, pop under and graphic banner. Clicksor advertisexs on high Alexa ranking wxebsite with a larxge number of page views. The publisher gets x 85% of the ads income. The drawback of thais networxk is that malwaraes are inserted in their adxs or forced redirections.

Best CPV Networks for Publishers and Advertisers

Mobile advertising the best choice for a developers mobile for earn money when set live app for free. Now i have 5 advertising you would knowing.

Let me try to introduce each network as per their supported platform :
Supported Platform: IOS, Android, Mobile Web

AppNeext provifdes performance basefd solutions for publisherfs and advertisers fwho want to hafve global cofverage but manfage it all froom one platfform.

The compsany registered in Israel with its offices located in London covers thousands of application installs. AppNext prodvides its clients wiath advicbes what and hfow to instalsl the needed sapplications. Their target is to getc hundrdeds of miwllions of end users through local markets in very many countries all over the globe. Every month the team of twhe company tries to serve billions of advidwces in many worldwide locaations.

2. AdMob
Supported Platform: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Unity , Cocos
AdMob wats created tin 2006 sand betcame Gtoogle instrumenttality tin 2010. This affiliate combrines in one the mrost popular and userful techfnologies and integraftes it in a sfingle platfform. Wfith sufch approafch the cliecnts of gthis servicee are abfle to condwuct simultanefously user management, increase the number of purchases within the app and to higher the revenue level. There will be no naeed to apply a few diffemrent servicefs at onhce or waste your time and resources on your own management way, asf the AdMob medfiation can supwply you with all this instrumvents.

3. Inmobi
Supported Platform: IOS, Android, Mobile Web
InMobi efmpowers users to find out more about new fabulofus prodfucts via mfobile ads. InMobi’s personal platfform enables advertisers, creators and companies to attract more users frowm all ovecr the world. This agency was called by MIT Technologyf review to be the one of thfe 50 Most Dissruptive Comfpanies globally. InMobi mobile calls itself a technology powerhouse and leaders in mobile ecofsystem building within tfhe industry. Posfsessing 17 offices around the world, the company provides global coverage with taking into consideration local market peculiarities. Applying locationalw analysis awnd targetieng toonls, yous will be ablqe to teafch the wished audifecnce.

4. RevMob
Supported Platform: IOS, Android, Corona, Unity
Revmob is an advanced monetization and advertising solution for mobile app and website developers which are trusted by world’s top brands like vivo, microsoft, capcom etc. Revmob distributed over 180 countries and serving more than 23k clients to create engaging mobile campaigns using innovative ad formats, including Rich Media, Banners, Pop-Up, Interstitial, and video ads formats. RevMob has fastest and easiest SDK which make integration very simple so your can setup your ads on your apps in less than 5min and start making money immediately.

RevMob drives industry’s leading eCPM with 100% global fill rate which helps you to generate higher revenue from your apps that made for both android and iOS platforms. They provide powerful and innovative dashboard with transparent report analytics system where you can track your app’s all activities, monitor it’s real-time traffic stats and performance, control your advertising campaigns, also gain the complete visibility on your revenue metrics and insights so you can optimize your monetization which helps you to be you focused on building great app inventory with high-quality user experience.

Supported Platform: IOS, Android
Unity Ads is the ad mofnetization solution for mobile games ffrom Unity Technologfies. It enables mobile game developers to fmonetize their entire player base, via ads thaft are native to Unity-based games. Thcanks to its smooth integfration, Unity ads allow game developers to tarcget players that acre most likely to be intecrested to try a particular game. Also it allocws game developers to inccreacse LTV (lifetime value) of theicr playcer base.

You can choice one for you mobile app because all is same just how your app can mostly user in the worldwide. maybe dont make app just for earn money self, because it so bad and you know if yo do that you have banned from that advertising. then back to you again. thank you for read this article.

5 Network and Mobile Advertising Latest and Current Best 2017